Welcome to the Harrison Hills City School District Division of Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment. Our number one indicator of student achievement is for all our students to have the opportunity for college or productive employment. In order to achieve this goal we provide on-going professional development for our staff covering curriculum, instruction, and assessments that is aligned with the Ohio Standards and the National Common Core Standards. We have a very dedicated staff that we are proud to say are all highly qualified. Together with our administrative team, we plan to prepare our students for the 21st century increasing our use of technology with our delivery of instruction.
Curriculum is more than the courses of instruction that we offer in our schools. Our Curriculum is based on the Ohio Standards. The standards are designed to help students fulfill grade level progress as they progress towards graduation. The Harrison Hills City School District has created various options for our students as they matriculate through the curriculum. We offer content courses in the traditional classroom setting, Blended-Schools instruction (a combination of traditional classes and computer-based instruction), advanced placement courses, dual enrollment with local colleges, and virtual instruction.
How we support and develop student learning is outlined on the Ohio Department of Education’s website which includes clear standards, fair assessments, a focused curriculum framework, best-practices for instruction, appropriate materials, resources, and planned interventions. When we speak of a Standards Aligned System, we are focusing our efforts with the central focus of Student Achievement. To read our district plan and collaboratively established goals, please visit the following website by selecting this link: https://ccip.ode.state.oh.us/
In order to achieve our goal for all students to be prepared for the opportunity to attend college when they graduate, the district and its school teams use data-driven practices to guide instruction. The district uses results from IXL, OLSAT, Stanford-10, Reading Diagnostics, STAR assessments, and classroom-based assessments to monitor the progress of its students.
Instructional intervention through the Response to Intervention (RTI) process is planned at all levels to provide additional support of classroom instruction. When a student continues to struggle to make academic or social/emotional growth, they may be referred for additional testing. Parents may also request this evaluation in writing to the building principal. Our school psychologist works closely with parents, students, and school teams to gather all relevant data to determine the needs of the student. It is the goal of the psychologists to assist the school teams in developing a clear understanding of the student’s learning and to improve student achievement.