Greetings Huskies Families!
I am excited to have been named your new superintendent and am grateful for the opportunity to lead the Harrison Hills City School District community. As an educator within our school system for over twenty years, success in all venues of education has long been a focus of mine. I am proud of the students that have passed through the halls of Harrison Central, their successes in life, and our opportunities to highlight their journeys as inspiration to our student body. Building upon their success, I look forward to collaborative review of ways to enhance support for our students, staff, faculty, and families. Our school district will work as partners with students, their families, business and industry, and the community to improve student performance so that all students achieve the levels of knowledge and skill required for working, living, and learning in a knowledge-based society.
The reputation of Harrison Hills City Schools is one of hardworking, relationship-building, dedicated and proud teachers and staff, all of whom go above and beyond to support every student. We have always believed our students are the foundation of our community, and providing them with the tools they need to achieve their goals is the surest way to propel a community forward. I know the board of education, teachers, staff and previous superintendents have all worked hard to lay the groundwork for success, and I am honored to continue the work of so many.
As we continue through the 2022-2023 school year, know that everyone at Harrison Hills City Schools is focused on how to best provide for our students and families. We possess the highest quality educational campus where teachers are incorporating new and innovative technology into their classrooms. Harrison Hills City Schools is proud to accentuate high school offerings in broadcast journalism, theater, and physical education and welcome to our team additional autism intervention specialist services, school psychologist services, behavioral support with the ability to fully implement applied behavioral analysis, instructional coach support for elementary student academic programming along with wellness programming for our students and faculty. We have long been fortunate with community support of our endeavors and vision of creating a learning environment that is safe, open and nurturing.
You will find me at many events within the school district this year; if you have the opportunity, I hope that you stop to say hello and discuss with me the progress that we are making within Harrison Hills!
Duran Morgan