Welcome, Military Families!
Welcome to the Harrison Hills City School District! The students and staff of the Harrison Hills City School District appreciate the sacrifices made each day by our men and women in the military and their families. This page includes resources that may be helpful to military families who are transitioning to our school district.
Thank you for your service to our country!

James Lucas (United States Army, Active) and Mark Smith (United States Army Veteran)
The Ohio Department of Education offers a number of programs to assist military families.
This Military.com article provides tips for parents to advocate for children who have been identified as gifted.
This website includes information and resources for parents, students and professionals who work with military-connected children.
This website discusses topics such as child care, adoption, parenting tips and other strategies for military families.
The mission of the Ohio National Guard Family Readiness and Warrior Support Program Youth Programs is to empower and support the social, emotional, and academic needs of Ohio National Guard Youth.
A statewide program of Ohio 4-H Youth Development through the Ohio State University Extension whose mission is to support the youth of military families throughout the deployment cycle.
The Real Warriors Campaign promotes a culture of support for psychological health by encouraging the military community to reach out for help.
A total of 500 scholarship grants, each for $2,000, will be awarded for the 2020-21 school year.
A resource to help young children understand why parents need to leave home for deployment or how things might change upon their return.
Funded by the U.S. Department of Defense and Coast Guard Mutual Assistance, this program provides on-demand, online tutoring and homework help at no cost to eligible service members and their dependents.